Saturday, June 30, 2012

Living in the NOW Moment!

Phew, we are now halfway through 2012 and it's been an intense ride to date. Colleagues, clients and friends continually share stories that are sad, distressing and also uplifting. No one ever said that we had signed up for an easy ride in this lifetime.

At the soul level we knew, before embodying, that we would be participating in a time of significant transformation that involves change on just about every level.

In the time that I channeled the energy of Edgar Cayce from beyond the veil, 2008-2011, a great deal of relevant information was imparted on how best to manage this time of tumultuous change. In addition, a great deal of information was provided as to what can be expected in the lead up to 2012 and beyond.

One of the most powerful techniques for living in the moment - from the Edgar Cayce channelings - is the Focused Breath Technique. If you haven't yet begun doing this I highly recommend it!

While Edgar advocates meditation as a powerful tool he also strongly recommends engaging in the Focused Breath Technique at every possible moment. What does it involve?

Basically there are three words that describe the process - inhalation, circulation and exhalation. This technique involves remaining in an aware state with eyes open and the body functioning normally in daily activities. It involves bringing awareness and mindfulness to the breath - to feel the inhalation then the circulation of the breath and finally the exhalation.

What basically happens when there is such mindfulness around breath is that there is a significant shift within and also externally. Significant reactions include:
  • thoughts dissolve
  • a feeling of inner calm
  • a distancing from emotional responses
  • a feeling of time 'standing still'
Engaging in the Focused Breath Technique at all times takes practice and commitment. Meditation is a right brain activity. The Focused Breath Technique engages both right and left hemispheres, thereby enabling you to function normally in all areas of daily life.

I liken this technique to what the Buddhists refer to as 'walking meditation'. This means being fully present with whatever is happening, not having any thoughts nor attachments to thoughts and emotions. It is a most calming and uplifting state. It feels as though you have all the time you need to complete whatever tasks you may be engaged in.

Physical benefits include:  reduced stress and peace of mind. With these there would then be ongoing benefits to the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, endocrine and hormonal systems.

When I began doing this technique in late 2007 I found it challenging. Initially I set aside 5 minutes daily to just be present with the breath. Gradually I increased this time, then I found opportunities to practice it with basic daily chores. Eventually being in this state felt so 'right' that being out of it felt uncomfortable and I then realized that this is such a simple, yet highly effective technique for living in the Now Moment.

E. Tolle's description accurately reflects this feeling:

"The whole essence of Zen consists in walking along the razor's edge of Now - to be so utterly, so completely present that no problem, no suffering, nothing that is not who you are in your essence, can survivve in you. In the Now, in the absence of time, all your problems dissolve. Suffering needs time; it cannot survive in the Now."

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