It's normal practice, as the year ends, to reflect upon the year's happenings and to speculate on what the new year will bring.
Mostly we do this to reassure ourselves that we are able to manage whatever is likely to occur and to also get a glimpse of something positive to look forward to. Yes, we are the eternal optimists!
In reality the future is no longer set in stone. The potentialities change from second to second as we continually create with our thoughts, emotions and actions. This means that we are actually the co-creators of all that transpires - a huge responsibility but also a great opportunity to exercise free will and the energy of empowerment.
Both numerology and astrology hold significant vibrations and are indicators of the potentiality that exists for the future.
In numerology 2011 is a 4 year. Four years involve a lot of hard and non-stop work. This year I've observed individuals questioning relationships, friendships, career, as well as their purpose in life. I am bold enough to venture that 2011 has been intense for many people. As we 'work' on our issues the results are evident in our external reality. This is evident in the global changes we are witnessing - from the rapid decline in the Euro to the Occupy Wall Street Movement.
Luckily the energy of 2011 is now decreasing, allowing us momentary respite before we swing into the energy of change next year. In numerology 2012 is a Five Year. It's a year in which we can anticipate unprecedented change. How this change manifests is anyone's guess at this stage - irrespective of what seers and prophets have deemed will happen.
Even though I'm a real novice it comes to astrology I am fortunate to know many individuals who are very adept at it. Apparently in March 2012 the planet Venus will be in trine with two other significant planets. This has not happened since 1967 and portends a huge wave of love sweeping across the planet.
On March 18, 2001 (nearly 11 years ago) I channeled this short piece:
"....It will be like the unleashing of two forces. The Light will arise to meet the darkness. There will be much pain and anger. Out of all this there will come a strong wave of love. This wave will have such a force that it will knock many off their feet. They will feel fear, they will react accordingly. Those who do not feel fear will welcome this wave for it is what they have been awaiting. They will turn their faces and hearts to the Light. They will unite in love. They will embrace all with this love and in the process there will be much healing of the planet and all who inhabit her. When this happens it will then be the turning point for Earth. It will be the beginning of many years of harmony and peace."
Channeling the energy of Edgar Cayce I am continually reminded that time is compressing. We are shifting from the Gregorian Calendar and linear time into the Now Moment. This means that it is becoming increasingly difficult to reflect on the past or to focus on the future. We are being forced through this compression of time to live fully in the Now moment. What a wonderful opportunity this is to release stress and anxiety! There is no stress, tension, anxiety or worry when experiencing each moment as it occurs - definitely a wonderful health bonus!
Edgar has stated countless times the importance of spending time in nature, using focused breath to bring awareness into the present moment, living in a state of gratitude and letting go of the need to continually be 'doing and thinking'. The feeling/being state is in alignment with the energies we are shifting into in 2012 and beyond.
He stresses that 2012 will be what we make it. Here he is emphatic that mindfulness of thought creates what is experienced. In other words if we believe that life is hard and that the worst will happen, then it will occur. The fact that time is compressing means that our thoughts will manifest almost immediately.
It is especially important to be fully mindful of thoughts, emotions and words expressed - as they will return in increasing rapidity from now on.
If you are unsure of what words are beneficial for your wellbeing I refer you to the work of Dr Emoto who researched the powerful impact of words on frozen water molecules. I also suggest that you tune in to see how you feel when you use certain words. Do the words leave you feeling strong and uplifted or weakened and 'icky'. It is the same with emotions. We can choose to remain in anger and fear or we can begin to heal whatever resulted in the manifestation of those emotions.
As we create the changes desired then the result will manifest externally within society and also globally.
Regardless of the challenges that we confront as change impacts us I share Edgar's optimism regarding 2012 and beyond. There will be individuals who will experience pain, chaos and suffering - and there will be individuals who will experience expansion and abundance.
Which reality do you wish to experience next year? The choice is yours - you are the powerful creator of your reality and it is your perception and beliefs that help shape what transpires.
I truly believe that the simplicity of the advice and suggestions given by Edgar Cayce in his channelings provide a wonderful blueprint for achieving both expansion and abundance!
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